Selling Your House? Need the Perfect Color Scheme? Just Add Paint from Camp Hill, PA Chimes In On The Subject…
Just Add Paint has been painting homes in Central PA for upwards of 10 years. We spend a lot of time trying to keep up with all the latest trends in the industry so we can give our customers the best possible advice to help them achieve their goals. One topic we have seen TONS of blog posts, magazine articles, and even television shows about lately is “What are the best colors for painting your house when you are getting ready to sell”? I have bitten my tongue on the subject for a long time now, and while I have to say I LOVE a lot of the ideas I have seen on HGTV – we feel this is one place where keeping it simple is the best possible answer. Flat white ceilings, matching white trim in semi-gloss, and flat beige walls. Here are a few reasons for this…
1. Neutral offends almost no one. Why paint rooms with cool color tones when half of prospective buyers may have furniture with warmer tones that will clash? Love your red dining room? The next person may not. Don’t limit your potential sales only to prospective buyers with YOUR personal taste…
2. Flat paint on your walls will hide the imperfections best. Eggshell and satin paints reflect light which can draw the eye to even the most subtle texture change on a surface, where flat does the opposite. The only possible exceptions to this rule are the bathroom and the kitchen, where people may like to see some sheen for washability.
3. Semi-Gloss paint is durable for trim and doors. These areas are most susceptible to dirty hand prints and scuffing and need the extra protection provided by paint with more sheen in it.
4. Using the same color on the ceilings and trim will make the walls “pop”. Interior decorators tend to go one way or the other on this – some prefer to keep things uniform, while others get creative and do things like mix small amounts of wall color into ceiling paint to soften thing up. This kind of effect CAN make your house look great, but we suggest leaving that decision to the person moving INTO the house because it is taste specific. Which brings me to my last point….
5. Painting is EXPENSIVE, and spending money on your old house while you are buying a new one is NOT FUN. Adding colors costs money, as does adding sheen on the walls or making custom mixtures for your ceilings. Additional materials are needed for these things and they take more time to deal with. The price for one color throughout your home will always be cheaper than using custom colors.
**To the good people who work hard on the shows for HGTV, please do not stop what you are doing. We get great ideas from you for people who are LOOKING for CUSTOM colors. And the Sherwin Williams HGTV Color Collection is AWESOME**
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Kilim Beige, great neutral color for selling your home in Camp Hill, PA