2 Painters For A Day Special:
Back in the day when Angie’s List was a premium service, they offered a “2 painters for a day” deal. It was wildly popular with customers and the crew alike. After all, where else can you experience the joys of a random list of “honey do” painting projects? Customers loved having a preset price, and of course, the joy of watching workers race the clock to check off as many items as possible in a day. And the staff always loved the randomness of said lists (well, not ALWAYS). But it certainly did break up the monotony of parking at a job for a week at a time. After all, this is a one day “all you can paint” party. By popular demand of our VIP list (who don’t always have real projects but just need to see us from time to time), we are bringing back the 2 Painters for a Day Deal. So, how does it work?

The 2 Painters For A Day Deal Works Like This:
We provide you with 2 highly skilled, fully equipped painters for a day to tackle the project of your choosing. These projects could be random, such as touch-ups in multiple rooms your spouse botched. And could be straight-up wall painting in a couple of rooms that have been on the “to-do” list for years. It could also be painting trim, or even caulking and puttying baseboard that your carpenter conveniently “forgot” to finish despite it being in his contract (this is one of my favorites). It might even be accent walls in a handful of rooms. We are impartial and have no preference as long as we are being helpful!
What Can 2 Highly Skilled Painters Accomplish In A Day?
Quite a bit! Although this also depends on you. Here is a short list of ways to maximize your 2 painters for a day experience:
- Remove pictures and wall hangings
- Remove curtains and blinds
- Remove everything possible from shelves and tables
- Remove Grandfather Clocks / Pianos / Large Antiques / Giant Pieces Of Furniture
- Remove everything from china cabinets
- Remove everything from the countertops in kitchen or bathroom
- Remove Televisions, Computers, and Stereos/Electronics
- Vacuum
- Remove Furniture Where Possible
We can also take care of most of these things for you. However, we are not a furniture moving or cleaning company, and would much rather be painting. We will bring plenty of furniture sliders – but are much more efficient with paint brushes and rollers
2 Painters Can Typically Accomplish :
- Painting the walls in 2-3 standard 12×13 bedrooms
- Painting walls in 2-3 bathrooms
- Remove wallpaper
- Painting trim and doors in 2-3 standard 12×13 bedrooms
- Painting an entryway and stairway (contact us first for taller areas so we can coordinate a plan for ladders, etc)
- Accent walls galore!
- Painting a large book shelf
- Painting a brick fireplace

Are There Restrictions?
Of course there are! We learned through our experience with Angie’s List that there are certain jobs that don’t work well with this deal. This is based on the need for specialized equipment as well as conflicting expectations (Thanks Angie’s List for doing the research on this)! We have found that sticking to these guidelines helps keep our customers happy and exceptions realistic.
- Walls must be 10″ or less (taller walls add lots of time)
- No cabinets (cabinets take about a week to do correctly)
- No specialty or faux painting
- No exterior painting (other than trim work, and we do not do this in the dead of the summer, call us to confirm BEFORE signing up)
- No major drywall repairs (we are good with the small stuff)
- No work on lead-based paint or restoration work. This is highly specialized and we are not licensed for lead renovation.
The Rest Of The Fine Print:
- Price of $960 includes 2 painters for 7.5 hours (8 hours with a lunch break). In some cases, a 3rd painter may help the job flow/efficiency depending on the job spec. In that case, there will be 3 painters for 5 hours. So the same amount of hours, just one more person.
- All painters will be highly skilled, properly licensed, and insured.
- We will bring drop cloths, plastic, furniture sliders, ladders, etc. We will also have our own brushes, rollers, caulk, putty, and basic sundries needed for high-quality interior painting work.
- Customer is responsible for picking up paint, although we don’t mind picking it up if it is a Sherwin-Williams paint and we have the order well in advance. We are happy to offer our volume discount pricing to our customers, just let us know so we can coordinate this with the paint store.
- We do not guarantee any paints other than Sherwin-Williams and Benjamin Moore. Please ask us about paint/manufacturer choice, we are happy to talk shop. We have acquired quite a bit of knowledge through trial and error over the last 20 years.
- We are not liable for issues caused by unforeseen circumstances (including but not limited to water/nicotine damage/vibrant colors/need for additional coats due to substrate problems or low-quality paint, accessibility issue, etc).
- Just Add Paint has a timeframe of 90 to schedule and complete the work unless otherwise indicated.
Thank you for reading about our 2 Painters For A Day Special! Please feel free to reach out to us for estimates – and also if you are a DIYer and just have some questions we can answer in an email. We are happy to talk shop about all things painting, even if you are planning to do a job yourself!