Do you come home from work and feel too exhausted to get off the couch? Does it bother you that it is dark at 5 PM? Are you sick of being cold and tired? I AM. In protest of winter, I sat down this evening and knocked out a blog about how much cold, gray PA winters can suck. This article is meant to be tongue and cheek, but hopefully also useful. Below is a list of things that just might help with Beating The Winter Blues…
First, the obvious….
Exercise: Most of us are aware that exercise increases production of endorphins, but it is easier said than done over winter. Two great ways to get off the couch and get moving are to: 1) Don’t sit on the couch before getting a workout in because who can get up once we get comfortable? And 2) Try breaking it up into shorter sessions. 10-15 minutes at a time will produce similar psychological results to one longer session. If you have time, try a yoga class. It is easier to get motivated for than weight training or running, and the rooms are always WARM!
Diet: I did not make the correlation between food and mood until I was in my 30s. What we eat plays a huge role in how we feel. Cravings for sugar and carbs naturally go up as it gets colder out. Avoid these foods (other than holiday meals and leftovers of course!) and also watch alcohol intake. What goes up must come down.
Sleep: Could it be possible that our bodies and minds are affected by the lack of daylight hours we get to experience over the winter? You better believe it! Tired? Take a nap! Hint: Our average sleep cycles are around 90 minutes, so make it short (30 minutes or so) or longer than 90 minutes. Also look into a melatonin supplement to help wind down before you go to bed.
Now the NOT so obvious:
Make a “to do” list and cross some things off: Trying to come up with reasons to move is hard when you are tired or down. Have a list of things you have been putting off ready to go this winter. These can be as simple as cleaning up or taking care of other random tasks around the house. Getting even the smallest of tasks knocked out can jump-start a day.
Try a SAD Light: Seasonal Affective Disorder is a real thing, and so is the need for sunlight. Since the latter can be in short supply over the winter, try an artificial light box. SAD lights have the good wavelengths of light provided naturally by the sun, but remove the bad ones. Some helpful tips if you choose to try this one are – make sure the light is 10,000 LUX or more, use it for 20-30 minutes at a time, and keep it close by – as in 16-24″ away from your face.
Talk more/talk less: Talking about feelings like depression can help, but can also make things worse by keeping them top of mind. Try doing the opposite of your daily routine. If talking creates feelings of anxiety, try not talking and see how that feels. If NOT talking is your norm and creates feeling of anxiety, try venting and see if that helps.
Power Poses: Standing in a power pose is a great way to start the day and find motivation in general. Studies show that doing this for even 2 minutes a day can boost your performance. Check out the Wonder Woman, The Victor, and the CEO. Also check out the TED Talks link at the bottom of this blog.
Get Creative: Having a winter muse is an excellent way to stay engaged when the blues make us feel like checking out. Anything art-related will do. Draw, paint something, use an adult coloring book, play an instrument, or write a blog!
Plan Something Awesome: Making plans for something fun can put your mind into the future and into your happy place. Plan a vacation or schedule something you have wanted to do for a long time. Then practice replacing negative throughs with putting yourself in that happy place.
Meditation: I know what you are thinking, but it really can help! Try the Headspace App for some guidance and sessions as short as 10 minutes.
Massage: What could possibly be better than having someone rub you for an hour? Treat yourself, you have earned it! Massage has extensive mental and physical benefits, and may just squeeze the doldrums right out of your body!
Schedule an evening out: Sitting around gets easier by the minute over the winter, break it up by going out and doing something fun. It doesn’t matter what it is as long as it gets you OUT OF THE HOUSE.
Last but not least: Paint a room in your house (or call us to do it for you.) Painting can be very relaxing for some, and a fresh paint color is stimulating for everyone. Change your house with a fresh coat and lift your mood!
Here are some links to several items mentioned in the above blog:
SAD light therapy:
Power Poses:
We hope you have enjoyed this blog about Beating the Winter Blues. Please feel free to reach out to us for estimates – and also if you are a DIYer and just have some questions we can answer in an email. We are happy to talk shop about all things painting even if you are planning to do a job yourself!
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