How much should an epoxy garage floor cost in Harrisburg, PA?
Just Add Paint joins the conversation on Epoxy Garage Floors cost by answering frequently asked questions:
I am writing about this topic after receiving a call from a friend in Harrisburg, PA regarding some quotes he received for having his garage floors finished with an epoxy system. He told me he had received 5 quotes ranging from $550-$4800 for his “slightly bigger than average” 2-car garage, and he was having a difficult time (insert profanity filled rant here) understanding how one estimate could be close to 10 times higher than another. He was hoping to get an education about the process from the people he was attempting to hire, but ended up more confused with each contractor that showed up to bid his job. As a professional painter who has quoted 40+ epoxy floors and painted about half of those, I had a few ideas on the subject. I have decided to share what I told him with our customers, as well as anyone else who might be interested in our opinion, in the hope of simplifying the answer. First of all:
Know what you want from your epoxy garage floor:
Good questions to ask yourself include –
- How Long Do I Need My Epoxy Garage Floor To Last? The fact is that like most painting projects, the most important step in having a garage floor that will last is in the surface preparation. There are many factors that will affect your surface prep that include but are not limited to: What is the age of the floor? Is there already a coating/coatings on the floor (this could be a painted topcoat or a clear coat)? Is the surface rough or smooth? Is there any staining present, oil or otherwise? Is the garage climate controlled? Is moisture present in the concrete? These are the questions your prospective contractor will need to answer before giving you an accurate quote for your project. The SOLUTION to dealing with issues ranges from power washing (not typically the best answer but better than nothing with the correct cleaner/degreaser), acid etching, hand grinding, machine grinding, and possibly the need for an additional sealer if moisture is permeating through the floor. The Cliffs Notes version of problem solving is power wash to remove general dirt buildup, acid etch to rough up a smooth surface (acid etching is like sanding but much more toxic and dangerous), and grind anything that is not dirt. THE SAFEST CHOICE HERE IS TO GRIND THE WHOLE FLOOR WITH A STAND UP CONCRETE GRINDER and give yourself a fresh, roughed up surface to minimize risk of failure. Rental prices range from $75-$400/day depending on the type you get. This process is time consuming, and will add significant cost to your project if you want someone else to do it (as in 6-8 hours). It is less intimidating than it sounds, and is something most homeowners can handle if they are looking to save some money. And if your contractor is anything like me, he/she will thank you for talking care of the prep work and allowing them to come in and use the highly specified painting skills you are paying a premium for. (And yes of course any contractor worth his salt will check the work and make sure it was done properly before starting)…
- Do I Like The Looks Of Flakes In The Finish? This was something my friend had not considered, and in fact did not know there was a difference other than with the aesthetics of the epoxy floor. The flakes serve 2 main purposes: 1) They add texture to the floors which helps make them a little more more slip resistant, and 2) They help hide imperfections that are often visible through the topcoat. Remember – unlike other areas of your home, your builder was likely much more concerned with your garage floor’s functionality than the perfect surface. Adding an epoxy paint with sheen will only make imperfections more noticeable as light will reflect from them. The general opinion here at Just Add Paint HQ is that this decision comes down to your preferred look and BUDGET. An epoxy garage floor with flakes will add AT LEAST 1 day to the process because the flakes will be added to the second coat and then need to be sealed in with an additional topcoat. Some systems call for a single topcoat to seal, most recommend 2. Topcoats can be made of either epoxy or some form of urethane, and you can expect to get what you pay for with these products. Expect materials cost to inflate by $100-$500 depending on what system you are using.
- Do I Want A Clear Coat Sealer On Top Of My Epoxy Floor? If you are planning to use flakes, then it will be required. If not, a clear coat will add durability due to adding more build to your floor, BUT it may make the floor more slippery. Consider adding an anti-skid material (think little grains of sand and check out Shark Grip) if clear coating an epoxy garage floor that does not have flakes.
- Do I Plan To Park My Car On The Epoxy Floor? This is a BIG question. The one MAIN advantage of using an epoxy coating on your garage floor is that it is chemically formulated to stand up against the heat radiating from your tires when you come home and park your car in the garage. If you do not wish to park in the garage YOU MAY BE ABLE TO GET AWAY WITH THE LESS EXPENSIVE OPTION of just painting your garage with a porch and floor type paint. Most companies make these types of products, which are water-based, have a much m0re consumer/DIY- friendly application process, and are considerably less expensive. If you choose to go this route, look for products that say “epoxy fortified” – they have some epoxy qualities and are generally more durable than standard water-based systems. Sherwin Williams is our go to for this type of product, and has provided us with the best results over the years when we have gone this route.
- Am I Willing To Pay More For A Better Product? The last question on the list, and certainly one worth giving the most consideration. The bottom line is that if you have done your research (and by this I mean being able to answer the questions on this list, read some online reviews of product types as well as the contractor you intend to hire, and hopefully consulted with some other folks you know that have an epoxy garage floor they are HAPPY with) you should know if the added value is worth the cost. If you are a homeowner that is looking to stay in your house for a long time and add the most value, then you will want to spend some money and make sure you have an epoxy garage floor coating that will be as durable as possible and last a long, LONG time. If you are someone who is looking to stay a little while and sell your home in the next few years then if might be worth saving a few bucks, and at the very least doing some of the prep work yourself to save some money. If you have found the right contractor you will get what you pay for. In the Harrisburg, PA area you can expect to pay $2500-$4000 for a high quality epoxy garage floor completed by a licensed, insured, PDCA accredited contractor with all labor and materials included. Here are a few other frequently asked questions that might help in your decision making process:
Question: In general, is a solvent-based or water-based epoxy garage floor system more durable?
Answer: We go solvent-based whenever we can. This is based on our years of experience with epoxy garage floor coatings, combined with expertise and advice we have accumulated from trade organizations, other contractors, and sales reps from multiple companies. We believe the failure rate is lower, and touching up an epoxy garage floor is a minimum 3 day process so we go to great lengths to minimize risk.
Question: How difficult is an epoxy garage floor to install? Can I do this myself?
Answer: I would absolutely NOT recommend attempting to put down a solvent-based system if you are not an experienced painter (with a very high quality respirator). They open time of these product is EXTREMELY LIMITED and the epoxy will start to dry so fast that even seasoned professionals have a hard time keeping up. Water-based products are a bit easier on the consumer but still too tricky for me to recommend to the average DIYer. If you choose to attempt this yourself, make sure to have a helper because the product will dry much more quickly than a typical house paint. Also DO NOT go back over areas after they have been painted because the roller texture will be visible once the coating dries. Lastly, please make sure to have a high quality respirator on hand (and on face)!
Question: How many days does it take to apply an epoxy garage floor?
Answer: Usually 3-6 days depending on surface prep and the type of system you are using. 1 day prep, at least 2 days for product application.
Questions: How long does it take an epoxy garage floor to dry?
Answer: Most products will take 1-3 days to dry depending on temperature and humidity. If you are planning to park you car on an epoxy garage floor I recommend waiting a week whenever possible to be on the safe side.
Question: Can I apply an epoxy product outside?
Answer: Epoxies are not suited well for outdoor use, and will fade/deteriorate quickly. Look into a solvent-based concrete stain for this application.
Question: What is the average lifespan of an epoxy garage floor?
Answer: Disregard what you see on the back of the can. For box store (Home Depot, Lowes, etc) purchased water-based products you can expect 3-5 years from what I have seen. Hot tires do tend to wear on these types of products and often pull the coating up over time. Solvent-based systems will last 10+ years, and hot tires are not an issue. With proper prep, more expensive products tend to outlast cheaper products because they have a better chemical composition and higher solids volume.
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Products used in photos include PPG Aquapon High Performance Solvent-Based Epoxy Coating, Pittglaze Urethane clear coat, and Valspar epoxy flakes
Thanks for helping me understand that it would be best to choose solvent-based coating since issues will happen the least with this type of coating. I will suggest this to my best friend now that they need their garage floor coated. This is due to the chipped parts that they noticed when they had a general cleaning in their house last weekend. It will ensure that the floor will have the best results.