How much does it cost to paint in Mechanicsburg, PA? The Bedroom:
There are different answers you can get to this questions depending on what your goals are as a consumer. If you are looking to get the cheapest paint job out there – there is basically no limit to the bottom of the barrel on cost. I have heard of people having bedrooms painted for a low as $50/room. These types of painters are
plentiful and easy to find. It could be a neighbor, student, or someone who is trying to keep busy between jobs. A high number of this caliber of paint can be found on sites like . (Athough that’s not to say that there aren’t a few good ones mixed in as well). There is no screening, training, monitoring, or system of accountability for this type of painter. Therefor, you are taking a gamble – at best – if you choose to go this route.
Are are the type of consumer that is looking for a reputable painter? Someone who will make you feel comfortable about your project, has proper training and know how, and owns the right equipment to get the job done? If so, you can expect to pay a professional painter $300-$400 for a standard 12×12 bedroom. Some factors that may affect the cost include: height of walls, grade of desired paint, color of paint, wall condition/damage, amount of prep work necessary for desired finish, cleanliness of walls (smoke and nicotine damage usually require a heavy-duty primer coat), and the amount of furniture in room.

Things you can expect to be included in this price:
Removal of switch plate covers, drop clothes to protect floors, plastic to protect furniture, painters tape to protect baseboards, basic patching and sanding (which is dustless, in our case…), 2 coats of high-quality paint applied with high-quality brushes and rollers, and a full inspection of work upon completion with any touch up necessary done
on the spot. You should also expect a written, detailed proposal defining the scope of work and type of paint to be used. If you have a range of different quotes for the same project, however, you can often find that the reason for the difference in price lies in differences with the details of the prep work.
We recommend:
-Always do your research before hiring someone to work in your home
-Look for independent, verifiable reviews on sites like,, and
-Ask for reference/pictures of past work from contractors to build confidence/trust
-Look for accredited painting companies. Trade associations have curriculums that are centered around education and ethics.
**HELPFUL HINT – If you are looking for a high quality PROFESSIONAL PAINT JOB with the BEST POSSIBLE PRICE, search for SALE PRICES over the winter. Because of this, many reputable companies run special deals on INTERIORS at this time to help keep work flowing,
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