You have hired Just Add Paint, LLC to paint your kitchen cabinets. We are an accredited member of the PCA (Painting Contractors of America) and strive to do our best on every job. Because everyone has a different idea of “the right way” to do things, we follow guidelines laid out by our trade association as closely as possible to ensure the highest quality finish in the most efficient manner. The chemical composition of cabinet paints and stains is constantly changing to comply with environmental regulations and changes in technical processes so we regularly educate ourselves with classes and seminars. As a rule of thumb, we use the most durable product we can safely apply in occupied residential properties. All of the products we use meet KCMA standards, means they are much stronger than standard house paints and are in the same class as what is used in cabinet and furniture factories around the country.
Just Add Paint, LLC agrees to honor the warranty supplied by the manufacturer of the paints we use. These warranties tend to have a plethora of stipulations that make it difficult to file claims against, and because of that, we offer a FREE ONE YEAR TOUCH UP including up to 2 hours of labor on site. We agree to spend this time on the cabinets whether or not the work would be something that is typically covered by a manufacturer warranty, and will do our best to manage general wear and tear that occurs over the first year of use.
Just Add Paint, LLC has painted many, many sets of kitchen cabinets over the years, and suggest you take notice to the following items before painting begins, as they are NOT covered by most standard kitchen cabinet paints. Some degree of these types of damage exist on almost all sets of kitchen cabinets we have encountered, even very expensive ones :
- Are your doors warped? They often are, and it is not noticeable because stained wood is dark and gaps do not draw your eye. Any gaps that exist will become more visible with paint unless you are painting the cabinets a darker color. One good way to check for warped/mis-mounted doors is by seeing if your cabinets are sitting flush against the front of the cabinet box on both the top and the bottom.
- Is there moisture/heat/UV damage on any of the surfaces? These spots can be hard to notice, but will be more visible with a solid color paint that will accentuate variations in texture. These spots often add a nice characteristic to the wood when painted, but can be alarming if you are not expecting to see them. If damage is severe, you may want to have the door/wood replaced prior to painting.
- Are your hinges/pulls/hardware standard sizes? Check this as early in the process as possible. Houses built prior to 1985, in particular, can be prone non-standard parts. We need to establish this before we start painting so we know if holes need to be filled.
- Was a furniture polish used to clean your kitchen cabinets, such as Murphy’s Oil or Pledge? If so please let us know. These types of cleaners are often hard to detect, and leave a waxy residue that needs to be broken down with a solvent containing naphtha (which is nasty, and we will want you out of the house for this process).
- Do large globs of silicone exist where your countertop was attached to your cabinets? This spot is not typically visible – but a sloppy silicone job will add significant time to dissolve if you are concerned with making this non-visible area perfect.
- Do you have small dings from general daily wear on your cabinets? I have never seen a set (other than those in brand new houses) that doesn’t. We can get as picky as you want with these, but be advised very minor imperfections (those less than 1/8” deep) are generally not noticeable and/or offensive to most observers, and will require extra time to fix. In cabinets with heavy texture, such as oak, the repair spots are often more visible than small dings because they become the only smooth spot on the cabinet. We recommend filling these sparingly unless you are very sensitive to this type of wood characteristic.
Again, Just Add Paint, LLC will do its best to fix these listed items, but please be advised that they are not covered under a standard warranty from the factory:
- Damage caused by early/improper cleaning: Cabinets should not be cleaned for a minimum of 2 weeks after installation. After this period, cabinets should be cleaned using a microfiber rag with warm water first, and if that does not work, warm water with a few drops of a mild, non-abrasive dish soap. Furniture polish should never be applied to kitchen cabinets that have been painted, as the wax and oils will damage the surface.
- Damage caused by natural movement in cabinets: Cabinets are made of wood, and therefor expand and contract with humidity and temperature over time. The North East is a particularly challenging area for this. Even the hardest of materials will crack over time. These cracks are generally less/non-visible with clear coats over stained wood, but usually exist there too. Natural gaps left in your wood from the manufacturer are caulked or filled with wood putty during painting prep, and these are the most susceptible spots for cracking. Other areas that move include the area where your cabinets meet the wall, corners (especially interior corners), and around joints on the doors and drawers. Cracking does not occur on all sets, however, it is extremely common and will generally happen at some point. Overall, cheaper cabinets tend to crack more often and quicker, aka you get what you paid for with your selection of wood type. To control this, we suggest 1) Keep temperature and humidity constant year round. 2) Avoid storing toaster ovens and coffee makers underneath your cabinets. 3) Use the fan on the range hood while cooking/washing dishes with hot water to help pull moisture away from your cabinets. 4) Use low heat lights on areas where light bulbs are close to your painted surfaces. 5) Avoid direct sunlight on your cabinets.
Don’t be afraid. This information has been compiled from a list of existing manufacturers and cabinet finishing companies, and is standard warranty/disclaimer verbiage. These issue are almost always minor when they occur, and can be fixed with little or no cost. We would much rather make our customers aware of potential issues than have them be surprised after we have completed a project. We stand by our work, and expect to hear about it if you are not satisfied.
This blog describing our Kitchen Cabinet Warranty. Please feel free to reach out to us for estimates – and also if you are a DIYer and just have some questions we can answer in an email. We are happy to talk shop about all things painting even if you are planning to do a job yourself!

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Just Add Paint Kitchen Cabinet Warranty