Painting Tips:

How Does Furniture In The Room Affect The Cost Of House Painting?

Furniture has a surprisingly large effect on the painting process. When bidding a job, we have to account for the time it will take us to move/work around the furniture. That is why our BEST situations for painting are either just before someone moves into a house, or just after they move out. There are several ways furnishings affect painting. Painting is most efficient when done with a 4 foot or longer paint pole, which becomes roughly 6 feet when you account for arm length. When a room is filled with furniture, we are often unable to use a long pole. (In some cases, we even have to paint with just a roller on the cage itself.) We therefore lose leverage, and also must paint in shorter strokes. This adds both a great deal of time to the process, and causes a slight reduction in overall job quality, because being able to roll quickly from ceiling to floor on the final pass gives the best, most even coverage possible.

For this reason, we suggest that a plan be put in place before we arrive, to determine how furniture will be handled. Our best system for painting in a currently occupied house is to use furniture sliders to remove items from the rooms we are working in. Even though moving furniture takes time, it saves MUCH MORE time than painting around it. In actual timed tests, we have found that we see a 30-50% increase in the time it takes to paint small rooms with large amounts of furniture. (This is especially true in small bedrooms, where a bed and several dressers may be present at once.)

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